A New Year Brings Many New Opportunities For Our Community

Community organizations play a substantial role in society. They introduce new ways of meeting people, spending time with people, and engaging in meaningful conversations that can change lives! Non-profit organizations not only care about the community as a whole, but each individual in the group. Community events can help organizations really focus on the people as individuals, and get to know what they really need in their lives, and what they can do to help everyone at the same time. 


       Not just this year, but in the past 3 years, everyone’s lives have changed, or been impacted in one way or another. Lots of things during the pandemic made it a lot harder for many people to effectively communicate, work, and even live. Here at Community Nexus, we offer a variety of professional and social skills training programs, as we work with local schools and community organizations to create programs that are impactful, and effective, being tailored to the individual for their best results. We have many upcoming pilot programs ahead of us this year in community wellness, family services, and career & life skills that we can’t wait to see roll out into our communities! 


       As we bring in the new year, make sure you reflect on this year, and remember everything you are grateful for, and what you can do as an individual, to get involved with your community. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who supported us through partnership, collaboration, and sponsorship to expand our existing programs and to facilitate the creation of 4 new pilot programs for individuals of all abilities as well. Once again, THANK YOU! 


        Have a Happy New Year!


Letter From The Board of Directors


A New Chapter for Community Nexus, and a New Chairman of the Board